Kaycee! She is a beautiful young lady that gives amazing hugs freely! She is a
sweetheart and very easy to be around! KayCee can make her mom smile, and cheer
her up like no one else. KayCee is 10 years old and is in the 5th
KayCee came to live with her parents when she was 4 weeks old, they were able to adopt her 10 months later. Both of her birth parents have some challenges that have prevented them from raising her. She has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, and severe ADHD. She has brought so much life and joy to her home! She loves to tease and has personality for days! She has an amazing smile. She is the best at making sure everyone around her knows she loves them, and she will tell you all the time. She loves to give hugs, and tease. She has her parents and grandparents wrapped around her little finger.” KayCee’s greatest accomplishment is starting to learn how to read and getting 100% on her spelling tests. She is a very loyal friend, and makes friends easily. When KayCee she plays school, she plays
"mainstream" because that is her favorite part of the day!
loves Curious George, U of U football, NASCAR, animals and dolls. She is full
of life, and is very happy and always has a smile on her face.
Beautiful Girl!
ReplyDeletewhat a cutie!
ReplyDeleteSo cute!