Zachary 9 years old, has had many issues since 2 weeks old. He had projectile vomiting and wasn't gaining weight they initially diagnosed him with a milk intolerance and then added soy but he continued to vomit so they ran every other test possible. Come to find out the daycare he was at was not paying attention and was feeding him milk the entire time therefore damaging his intestines possibly permanently. We left at 15 months and he was starting to get better. He also wasnt talking and add a year old we found out that he had a lot of hearing loss from ear infections . When we took him out of the take care of 15 months we also put tubes in his ears and by 18 months he was talking. He has been fine developmentally since then he's just very small and has had failure to thrive. He has had sensory issues and anxiety issues since two years old . at nine years old now it looks like they are going to add a diagnosis of cyclic vomiting syndrome.
Zachary loves legos and a shirt join the lego league at school in is doing well there he also likes to dance doing hip-hop and half and perform this question these are both really good thing for his social anxiety.
He has Milk soy Protien Intolerance, Sensory Processing Disorder, Failure to Thrive, Severe Food Allergies, OCD, ADHD, anxiety and depression, also medically induced PTSD. He was just diagnosed with cyclic vomiting syndrome possibly needing a feeding tube.
We got a service dog for Lucas last year and he is doing great. Then our dog was attacked she was unable to work and we had to retire her. Zachary has had some regression since then. A friend gifted us a dog and he is great but needs additional training. We are working on getting training for the dog. And Lucas seems to be doing well with any sort of animal.

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