Sunday, October 26, 2014

Beginner's Guide to Medical Terminology

I have worked in the medical profession for the last 13 years in cancer care and now in mental health.  I also just finished my bachelor’s in Health Information Management and have had medical terminology up the wazoo.  Here’s a quick intro lesson on medical terminology 101.  Medical terminology is based off Latin. 

For example…..gastro- means stomach.  –Entero means small intestines.  –ologist means specialist.  When combined, what may look like a really long word is just simply several shorter latin based words put together.  Gastroenterologist is a specialist (-ologist) who studies the stomach (gastro), and small intestines (-entero).  Another example – pulmo means lung.  A pulmonologist is a physician who specializes in treating the lungs.  Once you learn the prefixes, the medical world seems a lot less scary.

ab-                              away from
abdomin/o                abdomen
ad-                              toward or in the direction of
aden/o                       gland
-algia, -dynia             pain and suffering
ana-                            excessive
angi/o                        blood vessel
ankyl-                         crooked, bent, or stiff
anter/o                      front or before
appendic/o               appendix
arteri/o                      artery
arthr/o                      joint
ather/o                      plaque or fatty substance
burs/o                       bursa
carcin/o                     cancerous
cardi/o                       heart
caud/o                       tail or lower part of the body
-centesis                    a surgical puncture to remove fluid
cephal/o                    head
chondr/o                   cartilage
-clasis                         to break
cost/o                         rib
crani/o                       skull
-crine                         to secrete
cyan/o                        blue
cyt/o                           cell
dermat/o                   skin
-desis                          surgical fixation of bone or joint
dia-                             through, across
dors/o                                    back of the body
dys-                             bad, difficult, or painful
-ectomy                     surgical removal
endo-                          within
enter/o                      small intestine
epi-                             upon, above
erythr/o                    red
eti-                              cause
eu-                              good, normal, well, or easy
exo-                            out of
-gen                            producing
-gram                         a record writing
-graphy                      the process of recording
hepat/o                      liver
hist/o                         tissue
home/o                     same

So there are a ton more words we could go over, but let’s take a few of these and combine them into words you already know.  Hyster- means uterus.  –ectomy means surgical removal.  Hysterectomy means surgical removal of the uterus.  Appendic- means appendix.  –ectomy means surgical removal.  Appendictomy means surgical removal of the appendix.  Cardio- means heart.  –Gram means a record writing.  A cardiogram is just a recording of what your heart is doing. 

Here are some links to the most commonly used medical terms and their definitions:

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