Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Giftmas Day 1

This year we bring back our 13 Days of Giftmas.  Each day check our blog for a short list of action items that will help to promote Utah Kids Foundation.  The more tasks you complete the more entries you get in our daily raffle.

Our gifts this year range from $30 up to $250 in value.

This is our way of thanking everyone for their support, donations and love as we kick off Christmas 2015.

Merry Christmas from all of us at Utah Kids Foundation.  May your families be healthy and happy this holiday seasons.


  1. This group has been so awesome. I would love to be able to give back!!

  2. Merry Christmas, UKF! I hope Giving Tuesday is AWESOME!

  3. So excited!

  4. I love that you guys are doing this for 13 lucky parents. It makes the season that much more special to us all.

  5. This is such a great blog! I love reading all the stories of kids and how much they have overcome. It reminds me that there are so many other parents out there who are struggling with children with various medical needs. Most of my friends have very healthy children, so sometimes it's hard for them to understand what difficulties that come with having a child with extra medical concerns. This 13 days of giveaways is exciting!
